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Have you ever felt that something stood in the way!! Something stood between where you are now and where you feel you should be (or where you want to be!!)?? Chances are, what lies as a barrier between your current situation and the BEST things that could happen in your life right now, is YOU! We are our own WORST ENEMIES!! If you take a close look at "who" or "what" has destroyed some of your most IDEAL. Situation and BEST Plans….. Rest assured that the name at the top of the list is most likely your own!! (And please.. let's be HONEST- Can you truly say that ANYONE else has MORE "Control" over your life and your CHOICES, than yourself?) As much as some of the "Circumstances" in our lives may be "seemingly" OUT OF OUR CONTROL… We CHOOSE…. We DECIDE how we RE-ACT to life's situations! We are ALL RESPONSIBLE .. Response-Able …Able to choose how we respond and whether to be Re-Active or PRO-Active… We decide whether we are going to BE Today, what Yesterday has made us …. OR Become TODAY, "what" we HOPE that tomorrow may bring (and then ACT Accordingly!!) I can say HONESTLY… that the ONE "Thing" that has stood out in my "Struggle" to DO WHAT IS BEST in my life, has been my own EGO (and as my Mother once shared with me -EGO- E.dging G.od O.ut!!!) So… Pick up your EGO and "Follow me!!" We've got some "Re-Modeling" to do….. If there's going to be ANY chance of God DOING what is TRULY BEST in our Lives!

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