Training Camp
June 24-July 4

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What an Incredible experience!! From the minute people arrived at the ARC to the minute we left on a bus at 4:30am, it has been NON-STOP!! Most arrived by car (driving from as far away as Montana!), but a few flew in fom the "Coasts" ~ Connecticut and California.
After introductions and a good night sleep, the FUN began! The purpose of Youthbuilders is to provide High-school and College students a chance to work side-by-side with Career Missionaries as they assist in construction projects all over the world. This year 4 teams were sent out: Mongolia, Venezuela, Peru, and Brazil (Check out for more information). In order to prepare these teens for the mission field, several areas of training need to be addressed. First, the teams have to be introduced, united, and unified in task and purpose. As well, each member must be capable of performing the construction techniques needed for the field. Most importantly, each member must have a CLEAR understanding of what God has called them to do! These objectives are reached through a RIGOROUS daily schedule fortified by a LARGE dose of God's Grace!
11:00 Music and Drama (Outreach performances)
12:30 Lunch and Prayer & Announcements 2:00 Construction Class (Carpentry/Excavation/Concrete)
3:30 Block/Brick Laying
5:00 Free Time
6:30 Dinner 7:30 Rally
9:45 In-Rooms
10:00 Lights-Out
A Typical Schedule is:
6:00 Rise and Shine
6:30 Run the Obstacle Course
7:15 Breakfast
8:15 Personal Devotions Time
9:00 Bible Hour (Various Theological points of discussion)
10:00 Evangelism Training
Teams do EVERYTHING together and grow through each event and CONSTANT Prayer and training.
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