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The Obstacle Courese consist of working as a team to buid a block wall by placing the books of the Bible in order. The blocks are scattered all over the field, so everyone has t o have a GOOD understanding of the orders of the books! (Can you do that?)
Then we all run to a set of planks with foot straps. There we walk on the SKIIS through a 100 yard strectch of grass. (It's a LOT harder than it looks!) Of course we were all DISAPPOINTED when we found out that we would be swinging over the water pit (below)
After that, the team runs through the woods in single file calling out Obstacles an possible hazards to each other. Various tires and tunnels and hoops makes it a CHALLENGING RUN!!
Now that we're all AWAKE! We can sit down to get some GREAT bible teaching and then send the afternoon learning the Physical tools of the trade.
The evening is brought to a close by the
fantastic ministry of our song leader and then the words of "Pastor Paul!!" His TO-THE-POINT style of preaching and heart touching stories, combined with a Great sense of Humor and Strong Bible teaching, weave the days activities int o a beautiful masterpiece.
During the final days of training camp, more focus is placed on cultural preperation and a slight sadness creeps in as team members going to different countries begin to realize that they will NEVER have an experience like this again (until the next time!!)
Our Team headed out with their 2 bags (68.5 lbs each) and one carry on at 4:30 am for the Minneapolis Airport. You could feel the excitement in the air as we boarded the plane and told each other: "We're headed to Venezuela!!" Keep us in your prayers!
Obstacle Course
uilding a wall with the books of the bible
sing teamwork to walk with a row of connected skiis
eeping Each other safe during a run through woods and Tires
sing Teamwork to scale a `14 wall
Ministry Training/Worship
Pastor Paul
(our speaker)
(Music and Song Leader)
Mime Practice
usic Training

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