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with my Heart!" Bears aren't the only Wild animals you have to watch out for in Yosemite... Raccoons can be pretty "feisty!" and managed to tear up my box of Malt-O-Meal that I had left out. When I took it away, they
decided to "fight" with each other, and by the time they finished, I was WELL on my way to the land of slumber! When it dips below freezing... WEAR YOUR FLEECE TO BED!!

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Friday, November 13, 1998

FINALLY!! Back on the ROAD!! While I TRULY Enjoyed my REST, I am so excited to be back out here... back where I rely on God alone for my providence... the kindness of "Strangers"... To begin... The last several days have been spent in the company of my Good Friend Jill and her Father Bill. What started as a 2 day stopover in Sacramento, became a six day stay, when and the mail I had been waiting for did not arrive before Veteran's Day (not that I'm complaining... snow began to fall in the Sierra Nevada's =\

has a beautiful, and ACTIVE son named Joshua ... AND Still doesn't feel she lives up to expectations!!


Jill and I have been friends since I was in a sophomore in high school ~ she has spent a year in France... acted as an exchange student to Japan... finished a BA in International Relations... completed her California teachers credential (check out her class!)


Bill just bought a brand new Harley Davidson... his Pride-and-Joy


After a send off from Jill, Bill, and Jen (and a quick kiss good-bye to Joshua), Bill dropped me off at the Amtrak Station and I prepared to catch AMTRAK's Bus to the train station in Stockton, California. When I went to pay for the transport fee, the
KINDNESS Began! Not only did the woman at the counter give me a new box for my bike (the old one was pretty beat up!) but she also waived the Transportation cost! When we arrived at the station in Stockton, I met Daria and her daughter Summer saying good-bye to their friend Mike.
train, and I was sad to leave my NEW Friend, but excited to meet all the good people that I now KNEW I would find on my journey! The ride up to Yosemite was a scenic excursion, highlighted by interesting `history' from the bus driver. Most of my fellow passengers were either foreign tourists or elderly Americans... where have the "Curious Youth" gone?!? Once the "Spirit of Laredo" was re-assembled, I was introduced to a sight that helped bring things into perspective! Yosemite Falls is rated one off the TALLEST Falls in the World. Looking at the sheer volume of water cascading down into the valley is IMPRESSIVE... when you look at the height that water is FALLING... then you return to being just a "tiny" spectator of this Incredible World! I quickly found a "walk-in" site to set up my tent and "hit-the-road" to see some of the park! There is a 12 mile bike path that skirts most of Yosemite Valley. It's a great way to get around the park and bike rentals are available for a nominal fee. I headed towards Mirror Lake and was given some impressive views of the "Centerpiece" of Yosemite - Half-Dome.
When I peddled back to the campsite, I was reminded that not EVERYONE pays much attention to a guy on a bike.. While animals don't know what to make of me, they are generally NOT frightened! When I got back to the campsite, I was visited by a friendly neighbor who invited me to sit with him and his friends by their campfire.
Andy is from Germany and currently taking a "Holiday" from being a river-rafting guide... he hopes to return and coach gymnastics. As soon as I finished my dinner, I joined Bob, Agnes, and Peter for some warmth around the campfire.
They had both raced bicycles competitively and met in Sacramento, and now are leading NEW lives on separate coasts. Mike is waiting for his acceptance to Medical School (I hope the east coast) and Daria is raising a beautiful little lady and cheering her husband on to victory. We shared pictures on the
Agnes is from Budapest, Hungary and is visiting Peter, whom she met a couple of years ago at a Camp in Hungary.... Peter, whose family is Hungarian, gave me some beautiful insight on the Art of Photography and encouraged me to "Go
Bob has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and is finishing a master right now (update me Bob!)...

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