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Saturday, September 26, 1998

Since things "...might get BORING," I had arranged a meeting with some Latter Day Saints Church Missionaries for Saturday morning. Of course, after having danced the night away, my Human Alarm didn't quite get me up on time. So, I began the day RUNNING! I met with Elder Johnson and Hooper Elder_Johnson_and_Hooper (Elder... at 19!! - You'll have to find out WHY) and they continued to discuss the Six (6) Discussions of Introduction to the Church of Latter Day Saints.

Elder Hooper was from upper Utah and was waiting to begin his Mission in Japan (and had his Phrase book read! =)... he had an injury to his hand, and they were waiting for it heal before they sent him off. Elder Johnson was from Alberta, Canada and was glad to be in the "Heart" of the Latter Day Saints culture. (The Mission Training Center is located next to the BYU campus and he had been pretty lucky!) Keeping out of a relationship must be QUITE a CHALLENGE...there are A LOT of Beautiful women at BYU! Since I was FULL of QUESTIONS, we didn't get too far! =) and they had to get going to there afternoon group_Missionappointment. However, they called ahead to see if I could join in on lunch with them... and it was OK! Rob and Miguel were great and took us out to a great MEXICAN RESTAURANT!! The Missionaries treated and it was an AWESOME (and Unexpected!!) lunch. Rob Rob is originally from Canada and spent several years in the Canadian Navy. He was given an opportunity to come down to the U.S. and train with the Navy S.E.A.L.s. Miguel was from Los Angeles and had already returned from his Mission. He gave me A LOT of insight into the life of a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints. After lunch, Rob let me stay at his apartment and catch up on some journal writing and then I headed off to do my laundry (Elder Hooper had given me $5 to clean up =0 ) On the way to the Laundromat, I swung into Gold's Gym to get some training advice and met up with Tyson and Stewart Tyson_Stewart. I had left one of my water bottles in Salt Lake City, and they were kind enough to give me a new one! A trip to the Laundromat is an interesting experience (I'll tell about later) but I was ready for bed and made it as quick as possible. Biked up to my abode under a star light sky and slept in the gentle arms of Rock Canyon.

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