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Monday, November 16, 1998

One things for sure, when camping and in need of "power," bathrooms are "a man's best-friend!" It seeems that the "average" American can't pass-up a chance to use his/her electric razor... hence, Almost Every bathroom I've been in has an electric plug! Hey... I'm not complaining! ~ It gave me a chance to "Charge-up" and catch up on some of my writing! When I walked up to my bike, IMAGINE my surprise when I find a package addressed to me! I've heard of "Overnight Delivery," but Greg brings new meaning to business with a Personal Touch... he found my campsite just to deliver some information on the Hostel System... Thanks Greg! Mocassin Point is a "small" camping area with a LONG road back to the main enterance.Resevior It's sits on the edge of the Don Pedro Water Resevior. Considering California has a LARGE area of desert, these water reserves are spread all throughout California and are a great place to relax and enjoy!

Peddling along towards Jacksonville, I was given a surprise when Johny drove by with her Grandson. Josh Joshcouldn't get over the fact that I was on this trip... hope to hear from you from Oklahoma! Biking into Sonora, I saw the one thing that INSTANTLY Defeated my will power... KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN!! Since I was "Starving," and needed to warm-up a little, I sat and enjoyed some of the Kernel's own while I updated my trip! The stop also gave me a chance to write my "To-Do" list... Purchase Food... Propane... Make Phone calls ~ Yes! I still live a "Normal" life!! I stopped in at Adventure Company Adventure_Coto pick-up fuel and find out "What ELSE" I didn't have! I was given a lesson in drinking-water safety by a man who knows! Jason, spends most of his time White-Water Kayaking Jasonand Snow-Shoeing and earns a "living" equiping "would-be" Extreme-Sport adventurers like myself. I met a few "locals" on the street corner coming out of town and got aq chance to talk to Troy, Jake, Sarah, and JaimeThe_Gang. It was a little cold for their "little" ones... I pray that they will ALL have SAFETY as they Find Their Paths... When I looked up, I was standing in front of the HEART-ROCK Cafe... Hmmm.... Biking out of Sonora, it became EVIDENT that there are NO "straight" Heart_Rockroads in the Sierra's and most of them lead UP! However, the scenery is gorgious and the population Minimal... I could appreciate the SOLITUDE of a small stucco ranch-house that I came across in the "Middle of No-Where." SolitudeI think EVERYONE should have a place that they can "Call their own"... someplace to Get AWAY from it ALL! It was VERY Dark when I finally hit Angel's Camp and I couldn't find anything open, however, I did find the local "Bait Machine" Bait_Machine ~ I'm well on my way to "Seeing EVERYTHING!!." While I was shaking my head, I noticed some lights on and knocked on the window. Mark was in his store getting ready for some VIP Guests. He let me in to get some water for dinner and introduced me to his son Ryan and his wife Kathy Mark_Ryan_Kathy( Kathy was a little camera shy!). Hope the visit went well! Dinner, care of Adventure Company, was excellent and sleep was even better!

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