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Thursday, September 24, 1998

The day began TOO early...but at just the right time! Malt-O-Meal got me going (once again) and a little tea from Harry and of course a little conversation with the local political pundits at the Ute Hostel. Also met Berit Berit(pct) (pronounced Bee-rrit) who was finishing a one-month trip through the U.S. This was her second time here, and believe it or not, she knew where I was from - she had done a one (1) year foreign Exchange program in Perhm, Minnesota... a SMALLER town, about 40 miles North East of Brainerd. We laughed pretty hard about that one! (God works in Mysterious ways!)

Packed my assorted goods and Marty (the proprietor) allowed me to store my things in the Living Room. I even got a ride from one of the Hostel residents (a break from the "Spirit"!! - =). He drove me right down Main St. into the heart of Temple Square. Downtown Salt Lake is an Architectural wonder, with some pretty fantastic buildings! Walked into the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and met a great man at the door, Paul Tingey. Despite his disability, his personality and will to serve were truly an inspiration, as he led me to get a ticket for the 12:00pm showing of the Marquee film "Legacy," in a wheelchair! The movie was extremely well done, and gave an account of the "Genesis" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saint... or the LDS Church, as it has come to be known. ("Mormon" is a derogatory noun originated during the founding of the Church). When I sat down to catch up on some of my writing, a couple of girls started talking next to me, and soon offered me a ride to Provo. Amanda, Rachelle, and Julie Amanda_Rachelle_Julie(pct) are "Freshmen" "Fresh-Women" at BYU and were a wealth of information as we rode town toward BYU. I joined then, and some of there friends for dinner at the "Cafeteria" and then spent a little time at the BYU Library getting me computer "On-line." While sending information, I met Steward "Stu" and got some good information on a place to Provo_Templecamp for the night! He had just returned from mission and spoke excellent Spanish (Over 50% of BYU is BILINGUAL!) and also arranged a meeting with some current Mormon Missionaries for the following evening. It was quite a RIDE up to Rock Canyon, but I got a great view of the Provo Temple (pct), which is designed to represent the "Fire and Smoke" that followed the Hebrews as the fled Egypt (The Smoke covering the Sun during the day and a Pillar of Fire lighting there path at night). Found a beautiful place to set up tent and Thankfully laid my TIRED legs into the sleeping bag! Another BLESSED Day!

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