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Tuesday, November 17, 1998

Woke up to an overcast day... it had rained most of the night! By the time I had some breakfast, cleaned up camp. and packed my bags, things weren't looking much better! Heading intoFarm "Town," I stopped and paid tribute to the farm whose field I had slept in ..... Just me and the cows! =) I stopped in to the Glory Hole Sports shop and picked up a cup of

coffee and some friendly conversation from Judy.Judy She's been working here for 3 months and still finds "New" things she didn't know they carried... believe me, they have a little-bit of EVERYTHING! Her boss, Emily was a little camera shy, but I captured her doing what she does best! EmilyShe cleared up a price conflict on the Fig-Newton's I wanted to buy... Thanks to her I had lunch and a late night snack!

I hit the Road with a little morning drizzle, but things soon cleared up and I had a fairly dry ride into the town of Angels Camp.Angels_Camp Apparently Samuel Clemens, otherwise known as Mark Twain, lived down the road and wrote a story about "The Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County"... they have the jumping contest at the local fair grounds! Needless to say, Every Type of FROG contraption can be found in Angels Camp... However, I'm particularly fond of the "Kindness Zone" Frog... Pretty Cool!! Kindness_Crossing


Leaving the area, I ran across their town hall... I guess it's not JUST a Movie!!City_of_Angels One of the sad things about riding Slowly down a road, are the occasional crosses that are seen by the side of the road. Tokens of remembrance... they symbolize the Tragedy and Loss of a family... sorrow of friends... and the Hope of Lessons Learned. This Simple crossBike_Cross on the side of a tree, captured my Heart and reminded me of a similar cross our Family has in Minnesota... You are with me on this Trip John!!San_Andreas

Riding into the town of San Andreas (not the FAULT), I came across an organization that I would like to Find More about...Odd_FellowsIt sounds like a group right down my alley! =)

After picking up some groceries, I pulled into the 49'er for some coffee and Conversation... I guess I didn't come for Encouragement, but I did get some great "advice" from the local clientele and aMel's prediction of a Volcano in California... From the sounds of John's knowledge - Count on it! Mel has a penchant for cars and the walls of the "joint" are lined with pictures of "past" and "present" toys ~ Stop in and say hello!

When I FINALLY made it to Jackson, the Spirit of Laredo Jacksonwas "squeaking" a bit, so I stopped into Jackson Family Sports and met Bill and Chris. They've had the store, specializing in bicycle and outdoor gear, running for about 11 years and truly enjoy Bill_Christhe lifestyle. Several years ago, they began to take pictures of people biking through on long-distance adventures... Check it out! On I'm the Wall! As I peddled out of Jackson, I KNEW that the rest of the day would be uphill... and I Mean UPHILL!! After 3 hours of Hard WORK and a beautiful sunset, I made it to Pine Grove at 3,000 feet and started looking for a place to set camp. Being Cold and Frostbitten made the appeal of a spot Sun_setbehind a building IDEAL. It was actually very nice and by a little creek. I ate Cold Spinach to the sound of the creek and bundled up for a Cold Night. I slept warm and comfortable in my fleece and long johns! Thank you Lord!

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