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Saturday, November 14, 1998

Woke up to a COLD Day in Yosemite! Pretty sure we dipped into FREEZING during the night! However, clear skies brought the Sun's warmth into the valley and by the time I had finished my Racoon-chewed box of Malt-O-Meal (Yeehaa!! I'm back! =) the temperature had warmed up to 41 Degrees Faranheit! I left my extra firewood with Andy and his New friend Liz liz. she recently finished her Masters in Quantitative Ecology and decided to take a break from Washington State in Yosemite. Packing up my gear, I realized that yesterday was Friday the 13th! I can't imagine a MORE Beautiful day... so much for superstition!

As I biked out of the Valley, I was stunned by the immensity of El Capitan!El_Capitan To see the SHEER, Granite WALL up close and personal gave it NEW MEANING and made the fact that a para-palegic man had climbed it INCREDIBLE... WoW...

Besides the COLD Weather... Nature gave me other signs that we were WELL into Fall. The Merced river winds it's way down the Yosemite Valley and cuts an impressive path. Howeve, it was the Oak, Black Walnut, and Spruce trees that lined this "Peaceful" river that revealed fall... trees with a Few golden leaves on them. Of course NO TRIP to Yosemite National Park would be complete without a shot of the Landmark scene taken from a scenic overlook coming into the park. The Spirit of Laredo has journeyed through some incredible beauty on this Adventure ,bike but some Views are better left ALONE . The Valley Floor resides between 3900 and 4000 feet, however to leave the park through Yosmite_Valleythe North exit, you must climb the "hills" that enclose the valley! At about 5.500 feet I began to run into the snow that had closed the Tioga Pass (the way I had hoped to leave the park) and I couldn't pass up the opportunity pass!! When I finally reached to peak at 6,100 feet, wouldn't you know that a CHEVRON was waiting there with coffee and conversation from Eric and a park ranger. Eric_CharlieEric had moved out here from South Dakota for a 3 month visit... that was 7 years ago!! He met his wife in the park and has called Yosemite home ever since! Charlie has been in the Yosemite area for 30 years. He loves his job and made an interesting comment about Yosemite... "People stick to it like spaghetti on a wall, they come and, if there ready, they never leave..." While I was there, the people I had spent the evening pulled up! THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!! I hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to Peter and Agnes, so we shared farewells and I got a chance to take a "Better" picture of Bob and my New Friends Bob_&_Friends... hmm... How do you bike through Hungary! =) Leaving the park, I was given an AWSOME send off by the rangers at the gate. Doug (pct) is originally from Ohio and he gave me a tip on a hostel to spend the night at. Michelle (pct) just had a GREAT SMILE, but she was busy taking care of other campers... maybe well get a chance to talk later! As I pedaled down the mountain, I was given a STUNNING sunset and caught a LONE Tree outlined by a Pastel Sky (pct). Sometime we Each STAND OUT Because of the background we are placed in front of... I enjoyed a warmLone_Tree plate of spaghetti at the Big Oak Resteraunt and was given the time of Sunday services at the local church by Mary. By the time I got back on the road it was dark and about 35 degrees, so I found a spot in the woods and set up camp quickly!! Phew!! 55 Miles... not bad... BUT... I've got a LONG WAY TO GO!! Good night and God Bless...

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