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Friday, September 25, 1998Provo_Temple

Today, God let me sleep in a little!! By the time I had my Malt-O-Meal, and finished packing my bags for a little laundry, it was already noon! The steep ride up the hill the night before, made for a FAST ride down the hill, and I headed right to the Smith Family Living Center (SFLC). I passed the Provo Temple on the way, and you can really see how the "Cloud" is more noticeable by day..and the "Fire" is more noticeable by night.

The people in the Telecommunications office were a little confused about "Why would I have mailing coming to them?," but they soon found the package that my Realtors had sent (tool kit, tire patches, know... TRIVIAL THINGS!!) and I got a chance to talk with Kim Kim about how she enjoys BYU. From her description...I was looking forward to a tour of the Campus! I made it to the Visitors Center (on time - miracles NEVER CEASE!!) and met the family I would be touring with. We were blessed with an exceptional tour guide... Malissa had just returned from her Mission and already looking into her Masters work in Counseling (She wants to come to the University of Minnesota =). During the tour she gave us ALL KINDS of great information (I even took notes!) and I've included a few pictures. FAMILY is a very KEY part of the Latter Day Saints belief and the majority of On-Campus housing is designed for families! Family Malissa was kind enough to








drop me off at the Student Center for lunch, and I got a chance to meet some great people in the student dinning area. They had Taco Bell, Subway, Pizza Hut...etc.!! and I just couldn't get over the professional set up (A LOT Different than the Academy!) I sat next to a Darren and Anna,Darren_Anna


who were both from Argentina, and made a new friend in Doug Doug and





was directed down to the International Students section by Matt (who I lost the picture for =( He had just returned from his Mission down in the Dominican Republic and spoke EXCELLENT Spanish. He and his girlfriend, Griselda, loved to dance and suggested that I talk with the SALSA Hispanic association to see what was going on! I related a beautiful story by Chaucer's "Canterburry Tales" that you will have to read some day, called "The Clerk's Tale" (I'll post a link later!). Down at the Student Center, I met Christa and Paris, Christa_&_Paris who didn't know much about SALSA, but Paris invited me to the SWING DANCE that was happening that evening. We made plans to meet at the dance and the REST IS HISTORY! As I was looking for a place to wash clothes, I met Madeline in Provo looking for a laundymat... She didn't know the area because she was NEW to BYU and had come all the way from SCOTTLAND to begin her Advance Education. Despite all of that, she was SOO helpful, and took the time to let me know where she thought one might be! Madeline and also got a chance to talk with Dave from All-State Insurance. He gave me some great insight on the Insurance Industry and spoke a little about his family and his life. He makes a 1 hour commute to come down to Provo

Davefrom Salt Lake City, but he LOVES what he does and loves people At the dance, I didn't get a chance to dance with Paris (she had to go =( , but I did listen to a great band


see A LOT of enthusiastic "Swing Kidz"... danced with a great group of friends -AND even got to join in on the Dance Contest! My partner, Christin, was FANTASTIC and took me up on my offer to be her Partner

(she didn't even know if I could dance =) She showed me some NEW moves and we a had a blast! I got to meet some of here friends - Matt and Amie won 2nd Place! I've included some of the dance competition couple (even myself) so you can see the FUN you're missing out on, if you don't



When all was said on done... and Mike and his friends had "Sung" the last song (pct) , I peddled my tired body up the hill and settled in for a nice nights sleep under the stars! Last_song

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