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Tuesday, September 29, 1998

Woke up early (to the Blast of the Westbound Train! =0 and had another FANTASTIC meal of Malt-O-Meal... that stop at the Sportsman's Warehouse REALLY came in handy... (my Propane tank ran out mid meal!) Today started out as ANOTHER "100+ Plus Mile Day," but the WIND soon changed that Idea!! I biked into a 30+ headwind ALL DAY and my legs KNEW IT! The next person that tells me I'm "...Full of Hot Air," I'm really going to Thank! (A True Compliment!!) While there may not be many People, there are Stark and beautiful scenes of Artistry heading from Price, Utah toward Greengreen_river_utah River, Utah! In fact there is a canyon that I WILL come back to (In a Car!). It's called "Nine Mile Canyon,"

but the sandstone cliffs that create this "Natural Art Gallery," actually run for 40 miles and the total one-way trip is 78 miles. It sounds breathtaking! green_river_utah

When I FINALLY made it to Green River I was greeted by Larry and his charming wife Lori.


Larry_LoriWhile my Legs recovered, he shared with me some of his adventures in the Army and Navy. He had served two tours in Vietnam and retired from two separate careers. However, the most AMAZING fact, was that his beautiful wife (all the way from Germany) had just "assaulted" two would-be purse snatchers when they "Attempted" to grab her purse... time with her Husband must have rubbed off! I spent some time resting at the Chevron in Green River and was ready to go look for a campsite locally, when I saw the lightning strikes and thunderstorm clouds coming my direction. The idea of spending the night sleeping in a bed at the Moab Hostel VS. Waking up to a Damp night convinced me to stick out my thumb out in search of a ride. The man who finally stopped his truck was truly a "Gift from God." Jason Jason had a great attitude on life and had spent several years in the Navy as an Operation Specialist. He had come close to his own MORTALITY while on "Liberty" in Hawaii. He had dove "headfirst" into the ocean, only to discover it was not quite as deep as he had thought. After months of rehabilitation, he shows NO signs of ever having broken his neck. He spoke of the TRUE American Dream... a Life of Freedom and inner peace... and was LIVING IT... WITH his beautiful wife (Kathryn) and Daughter! God Bless you in your Journeys Jason! Jason dropped me off at the "Lazy Lizard," and stowed me gear and settled in FANTASTIC Hot Tub at the back of the Moab International Hostel... took a HOT Shower...and laid my head down in a very comfortable bed and slept in the COMFORT of a bed!

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