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September 23, 1998
My FIRST 100+ Day!!

(erh...uhm...night =( Began the day with a little extra sleep (I NOW KNOW WHY!!))!! Enjoyed the luxury of a hot shower and sat down to try and get organized! Apparently the Plaza Motel, 427 S. Hwy 91, Preston, ID 83263, (pct) was originally built by Howard Hughes (I'll have to find out more about that one!) and has since been remodeled and expanded. Holly was a little camera shy, but was very helpful in giving me a little history and wishing me luck! The rear tire was still holding up, but once I started down the road from Preston, ID, I began to feel the wobble of the misalignment...God.. Please get me to Logan! Passed through Franklin (the Oldest established town in Idaho

(pct) and had a little lusk of Chicken Tenders and Potatoes (hey!! A man's gotta eat!) and crossed the border into Utah (2 States down...2 to go!) (pct). Apparently Virginia does not have the only Richmond...

or Smithfield


and I'll bet they've never heard of Black & White days - 83 year celebration of Cows... or so I gather! I stopped in a little store called "Grin and Bear It!", 115 N. Main, Smithfield, UT 84335, because I just loved the Name! (After all these miles... ya' just gotta!). Picked up a "Cowboy" Chocolate bar - "The COWBOY has always represented the West. The style and attitude of the COWBOY (pct) is a living example of the heritage and values of the people of the West. Inspired by the Old West, we proudly present the COWBOY CHOCOLATE BAR. We don't claim eating it will make you a COWBOY ~ but, we're hoping you feel as though you're riding the trail, breathing that refreshing air and feeling the same freedom and sense of Adventure the COWBOY felt as he pioneered the West" - and NO...I didn't feel like a Cowboy...but this whole trip is kind of like the description of that BAR... You really FEEL the wild, when you're out here with it!.... I also got a chance to meet Roxanne and her sister Janeen (pct). The store had just celebreated its' one year anniversary (Sept 22, 1997) and I got a chance to find out about the wood stove in the background, that had been Grandmother's (93 and still kickin'!!) Finally made it to Logan, UT and found Adventure Sports, 565 N. Main, Logan, UT 84321(pct). Ron looked at me a little funny when I hauled my bike in, but he was able to set me up with a brand-new "36-spoke)" rear tire and after a little lesson on the power of "GU" (a sport nutrition supplement that I picked up) I was on my way to see the University of Utah (pct). I also was given the priviledge of seeing the "After" photos of a beautiful wedding, so I had to take a picture!! (I don't even know their names...but I'll update you later!) (pct). Left the University to head over to the Logan Mormon Temple... Truly an IMPRESSIVE piece of Architecture! Completed in 1874, the temple stands as an inspiration (and much more) to the members who attend. I received a heart-felt greeting from a former missionary, Margrethe (pct), and took some time to understand where I was headed! Had to stop in at Maranatha Batist Church, when I say the flurry of activity coming from inside! Turns out, it was the AWANA group, which help teach young disciples from the ages of 5 to 15 (kind of like the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts). It was pretty Inspirational to see those young children, and my friend Heather gave me all the details! (pct w/ stn glass wndw). Got a late start heading throught Sardine Canyon, and after 10 miles of ardous uphill duty...the coast down was awsome. When I finally got to Willard Bay Camping area, I stopped in at the "Circle J" (a truckers dream) and figured that I had better keep on going to Salt Lake. Talked with Marty at the "Ute Hostel", 21 E. Kelsey Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84111, and he promised to save a space on the Futon! I headed out with GREAT EXPECTATION, but soon had it drained away by the City of Ogden It just kept going..and going..and going... And don't be fooled when you finally see the city lights the City is Far...FAR AWAY!! However, it did give me the opportunity to see Salt Lake by night (er...EARLY DAY!) and don't forget to look at the
clock on that last one!! Finally got to the Hostel...ate..and slept like a baby! What an AWSOME day!! (and Night) boy are my legs SORE!!

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