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Wednesday, September 30, 1998

It is SOoo AWESOME to wake up and take a HOT Shower!! It's especially nice to have interesting company as you prepare your breakfast (Malt-O-Meal =). The woman I sat with was about 55 years old and on the 2nd or 3rd MONTH of her cross-country trip (she makes excursions every few years). She told me that her kids "Go Crazy" when she takes-off, but she just couldn't pass-up the beauty that this country provides.

Backtracking through Moab to get to Arches National Park, I had to cross over the Colorado River.

The river seemed so peaceful and incapable of creating the shear and jagged terrain that I had been seeing and knew I would see more of as I entered the Grand Canyon. I was OVERWHELMED by just the entrance to Arches,Arches_National_ParkI have included some of the pictures I took at the Park, but now realize that I didn't include objects in the pictures to give Perspective to the "Rocks" that you are looking at. In viewing, the rocks appear "small," but understand that the "bushes" at the base of Wall Street are about 5 feet tall and that the Windows are 30 to 40 feet tall... It is a sight to Behold! The "Main" attraction of Arches National Park, are of course the ARCHES!

The mostDelicate_Arch Famous of which, is Delicate Arch. It highlights the license plate of almost EVERY car in Utah and is an incredible testament to the "Delicate" Balancing_RockNature of God's Power... from a Solid ROCK is carved a Delicate Arch. At the same time, Balancing Rock is another witness of the Power of TIME. Hopefully this reference shot can give some perspective to its size.



After biking to Delicate Arch,I was more than glad to receive a ride from Helen and her Sister Sylvia Helen_Sylviawho are taking a couple of months to take a tour of the US. The 19 miles they carried me back to Moab, gave me the hope that I would still be able to make some miles before the night was through.

Soul_foodBefore I left the town of Moab, Ihad to make a quick stop at a store I had seen while heading to Arches. Soulfood, is a "New Age" store managed by Karen and her friend. Karen_DakotaHer brilliant red hair and Dakota's piercing eyes (her son) stood out from the peaceful painting in the background.

A definite part of my trip has been time spent LEARNING about my bicycle. David , at Poison Spider Bicycle, took some time to talk about his love for the sport and gave me a sticker to put on my bike (IMHO to come!!).




Lazy_LizardAs I made it back to the Lazy LizardHostel,like was with the owner and had just finished making a necklace out of hemp. He does macramé‚ and sells his art to the local constituents. I was blessed to be given the "Lone Bicycle" on a promise to drop him a check for the cost later (Thank God for a man's word!).Mike Laticia and her husband (not pictured) love to meet the people that come through their hostel and have a heart for travel... Stop in and say hello! As I loaded the Spirit of Laredo, I spoke with Gene and his wife Dana and got a chance to make friends with their son Quin. They're taking a little time off to see the bordering states of their Home state Colorado (I have a feeling I'm going to see BIG things out of Quin!!) By the time I left Moab, it was almost sunset, and I was given a spectacular ride into a majestic and peaceful night. I rode until I reached the summit of the plateauand then stopped for a little "roadside" dinner.Midway through the meal, I decided that I would take a nap and restart the ride when EVER I woke up. A clear, starry night... the moon on the horizon... the howl of the coyote... what a beautiful dream...


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