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September 22, 1998


Began the day with a beautiful sunrise and sign of a clear day. I guess Pete's prayer was heard, because the forecast had been for several cold and rainy days!!


After a nutritious breakfast of Malt-O-Meal (my Grandma would be proud!!) I finished packing and began my pre-ride tune-up...only to discover that I had stripped one of the spoke nipples on my rear tire. I put everything into the outhouse stall and rode into town to find a bike-store. Stopped by at Caribou Courts Health and Fitness, 320 W. 2nd S., Soda Springs, ID 83276 and spoke with Dawn Farnes

Dawn(pct) about my VERY sore knee. Dawn has her BS from Idaho State University and is a native of Soda Springs. She enjoys the flexibility of being involved in the health field, while still being able to get home to her three children. She gave me some great advice and walked me over to Bowman Chiropractic 300 W. 2nd S., Soda Springs, ID 83276, where I purchased an ice pack from Susan(pct). Dr. Bowman's practice has been around for 15 years and Susan REALLY enjoys the new offices.Susan


They pointed me to Coast-to-Coast Hardware as the only place in town that would have any bike material, and off I went. Coast-to-Coast had spoke nipples, but only in a package with's a good thing, because when I went to replace the nipples, I discovered that a spoke had broken AGAIN! The spokes I had just bought were TOO LONG, but I contacted

Dan_TysonCustom Iron Work, 2402 Highway 30, Soda Springs, ID 83276 and they said they might be able to help me out. Dan and Tyson (pct), the machine shop workers, had NEVER seen anything so small, but after a few attempts were able to cut down one of my spokes and put a new end on it.

I went back to Coast-to-Coast and picked up some lunch at Poncho's Mexican Food (the ONLY Mexican Food in Soda Springs) and enjoyed the beautiful flamenco painting they had in the resteraunt. Toni Toni(pct), Kaye, her daughter Deena, Patrick, and John (all pct-lft to rght) enjoyed some of their Nachos while I continued to replace almost every nipple on the wheel (It was SOO far out of alignment that I will be buyingCoast_To_Coast a new one the first chance I get!)




I stopped by the Soda_Springs_LibrarySoda Springs Library again and met the head of the Library, Chris. She gave me some assistance and their address: Soda Springs Public Library, 149 S. Main St., Soda Springs, ID 83276, (email - Chris, Jody (after a FAR BETTER DAY!), and a local dog agreed to have their pictures taken (pct) and wished me `Safe Travels!'

By the time I finally hit the road it was almost 5pm, but as I entered Grace I decided that I would try for the Utah border. 40 very scenic, cold, and HILLLY miles later, I decided that Preston, ID was good enough for me! I enjoyed a dinner made and served by Tina (pct),
Tina who thought my trip was `Awsome.' She was the most encouraging person I've met so far and she enjoys bicylcing as well! (Her sister's Huffy was parked out back!) Next stop for Tina...who knows...but probably Michican - going to school up there would be an Adventure (don't gets COLDER THERE!!) Laid my head down on a pillow at the PLAZA MOTEL (the only one in town) after a very deserving day... can't always CAMPOUT!! Good night and God Bless...Daniel

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