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Monday, September 14, 1998

After a fantastic breakfast provided by Anita (right) the Owner of the Inn. Mark and Jim packed the car, while I packed my Bike and actually SAW my bike loaded for the First Time! Having made all the purchases of equipment "piece-meal," it was Rewarding just to have it ALL fit!

We said our good-bye's to our new-found friend and the "Comforts" of our `Bed&Breakfast' home and I began my "Peddle." However, I soon met some of the Wonderful people I would be running into the entire trip. ~
Larry and Endy (above) shared the excitement of travel and promised to pray for me on my trip... they also took my picture entering the park! (right).
My first LESSON LEARNED ~ It costs Half-Price to enter a National Park by bike... it costs Full-Price if you come in by car and have bikes with you! (Buy the Golden-Eagle Pass for $50 Year-Round admission to ALL Federal Parks! After riding in on the car and setting up camp at Mammoth Hot Springs, we rode down to the Boiling River and enjoyed a dip in the "Hot-Springs." (It's actually where the Gardiner River ~ COLD water ~ and the Boiling River ~ HOT Water ~ Meet!).(left)
While I was there, I met Joshua, who'se realized that there is "Something More to Life" and is out there looking for it! While Jim and Mark were attempting to catch dinner, I headed out for my "First" Ride of the trip ~ A Picturesque ride up the ridge that surrounds the north side of Yellowstone Park! Canyon Junction was only 28 miles on the map, but those miles included 2,500 feet of elevation change (starting at 4,000 feet) and I was NO WHERE ready for what I has set out to do! By the time I reached to main junction (exhaused!), I knew I would never make it to back to Camp before Sunset if I didn't get help! I parked my bike in the woods and stuck out my thumb! Jeremy (below right)
actually came back to help me after he dropped his girlfriend off... He's moving out to Seattle and understands the importance of "The Kindness of Strangers." When he found out what I was doing, he said I was going to need ALL the help I could get! The Hard "Work" was rewarded by two INCREDIBLE water falls! Upper Falls (left)
can be seen from Artist Point and gives you a serene look at the country I had just biked out of. To get to Lower Falls (right) you have to climb down "Uncle Tom's" trail... a steep and windy set of metal stairs drilled into the side of the cliff. The Falls are 308 feet tall (there's an observation platform at the top) and cascade into a tremendous canyon. After getting a ride back to my bike from some visiting Germans, I began what turned into my first peddle at night! What a serene feeling you have as the twinkling stars cover your head and the stir of the wilderness says it's "Good-nights." My lighting system worked great, but I managed to used "starlight" for most of the ride (not too many cars on the road at night =) and the LONG Uphill climb turned into a FAST Downhill Rush!
When I finally came into camp, it was empty and my buddies were "next-door!" They had made new friends with Cynthia and Marguerite (left). Mother and Daughter are taking some time to be together and have camped all the way from North Carolina (some day I want to take a trip with my son like that!) Marguerite gave me a wonderful blessing before I ate, and I look forward to our continued conversation! A WONDERFUL Part of camping outdoors are the Neighbors you meet! That night I slept under the stars and dreamt of all the adventures I would have and the people I knew God would be bringing into my life!

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