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Sunday, November 15, 1998

OK!! This time it was DEFINITELY FREEZING during the night! FreezingI made up some WARM Breakfast and headed to the local gas station to get some coffee... never underestimate the value of a good cup of coffee... for 75 cents you can get a warm drink, sit around a warm store, and receive the insight of Warm people. No one had been sure what time Services started, but wouldn't you know that I peddled up at 9:44 and Sunday School began at 9:45! =) The Sunday School was led by the Pastor... and reminded me that we ARE ALL Accountable for our actions... Good and Bad.

The Service highlight for me,Jim_Pat besides the outstanding sermon, was the Warm and Friendly greeting I received from the congregation. The entire church walked around and gave each other hugs.... I truly felt like part of a small family ~ I guess Small Town living has it's advantages! Jim (the pastor) and his wife Pat are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary... Congratulations! After church, a Large part of the congregation went down to the Big Oak Restaurant Big_oakfor brunch and I was invited along. I was given a chance to talk with Johny and Leo Johny_Leowho had moved out here from Oklahoma. They have raised a healthy family here and are currently making plans to move back to Oklahoma with one of their grandsons. E.G. and Libby and Betsy and Lauren were delightful couples who REALLY Shared there love of life with everyone around them. (E.G. bought me breakfast!). Betsy was encouraged by my presence and has been praying for a youth ministry to take off at their church... it's definitely going to happen! I also got a chance to meet with Dave and his beautiful family... More Okies! ~ Something's going on in Big Oak! After I said good-bye to my new "family," I proceeded on a long... FAST... leisurely ride down the remainder of the hill to Moccasin. I waited by the beautiful water reserve of the San Francisco City and Country Power Station Lakeand had a little time to catch up on my writing. On my spin around the lake I found "Another" piece of the Broken-Heart Puzzle... if you have to have a place for all our friends to stay... how about "Heart-Break Hotel"!?! Heart-Break_HotelPam and her Husband Greg have been in the process of converting some of the 20 empty homes in the community into a Hostel. As of right now, they are still facing opposition from city government, so Pat recommended a campsite where her daughter had worked growing up and I headed off to get a good night sleep. On the way I out, I was given a spectacular view of the IMENSITY of the Water System... Water_systemFound Moccasin Point a few miles down the road and set up camp... I'm sure glad that today was a DAY OF REST ~ My legs aren't used to this anymore!

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