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Monday, September 21, 1998

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Began the day with a little frost on the tent. A bit overcast, but not too chilly. Packed my gear and tuned the bike (still learning about this "Bike Maintenance" thing =\) Brought my extra wood over to Tom, Vivian, and Chester's camp site and said good-bye (what a great couple!) and then rode into the town of Alpine for some breakfast at Bette's Cafe Bette's_Cafe
( PO Box 3172, Alpine, WY 83128 at 116 Main St.)
Carol makes a mean chili (and LOTS of IT!!) and Bette has some of the best pancakes in the world (don't tell my Grandma!) Kari just moved to Alpine with her husband...she races sled-dogs and just loves the area. Her and Holly fought over who could give better service!

Hit the road around 11:00am (got to get on the road earlier!) and started the legs a'pumpin. Beautiful scenery as I came out of the valley and enjoyed watching the small town life of the Freedom_signpeople I passed....Alpine...Etna...and if anyone asks where "freedom" is - just tell them on the edge of Wyoming

Clair_&_FrecklesBegan the ascent into Tincup Mountain and got a chance to meet Claire and her dog Freckles . She was doing a survey for the forest dept. and had made a few bike trips of her own (just nothing so ORGANIZED - if she ONLY KNEW!! =) They call the mountain "Tincup," because when you FINALLY get to the top, it opens up into a big valley surrounded by the Caribou mountain range (a lot of COWS...and not much else!)

Henry_StoreGot a chance to take a late-lunch break at "Chester's" County/Western Store, HC 70, Box 5020, Star Rt., Henry, ID 83230 (pct) and got a bit of a history lesson from Beth Beus. The town had been a stop over during the Caribou Gold rush of 1830 (or so??). It still attracts a few tourists in the summer who come out to the Blackfoot Reservation Lake to enjoy fishing and hunting. Apparently, I am not the only biker she's seen! She recently met 13 senior citizens from France that were biking across America and had a couple stop in that were biking around the world (and I thought I was adventurous!!). The couple left Australia in 1994 and had been through Africa, South America, and the United States...phew!Soda_Springs

Finally made it to Soda Springs, ID just in time to see the "Only CappedGyser in the World." Soda_Spring_GyserGot a chance to stop at the Town Library and spend some time online (with the Help of Jody ) and also got a tip on a GOOD PLACE to camp for the night. Picked up some food for breakfast...pitched a tent...made some dinner...SLEPT to the pitter-patter of raindrops on my tent....WHAT A DAY - 87 longest ride so far!

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